Bessarabia Research
* Indicates added/updated on 7 March 2025
* 50 Bessarabian German Words translated by Allen Konrad
* 50th Year of Pawlowka Community by Allen Konrad
* 68th Anniversary of the German Community in Cetatea-Alba translated by Allen Konrad
* A Walk Through the Arzis Market translated by Allen Konrad
* Advertisements in Deutscher Volkskalender 1922-1924, 1925-1927, 1928-1930, 1931-1933, 1934-1936, 1937-1939 by Allen Konrad
* Age Distribution of Germans in Bessarabia as of 1940 by Allen Konrad
* Alexander Asylum in Sarata translated by Allen Konrad
* Arzis Farmers' School translated by Allen Konrad
* Beresina, Bessarabia 1940 Resettlement Report translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Festivals translated by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Bessarabia German Parish School 1891-1914 translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Newsletter Index submitted by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Organizaton for Resettlement translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Presentation 2010
* Bessarabia Refugee Comments-1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Resettlement Minutes of 1940 Part 2 translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Resettlement - Four Experiences translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Resettlement - Propaganda and Reports translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia Villages translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabia-Bukovina Germans Resettled in Europe translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Academics 1939 translated by Elli Wise
* Bessarabian Agriculture translated by Ellen Hardy-Birt/Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Bessarabian Birth/Death Affidavits by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Family Tree Questionnaires by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian German Population Statistics 1827-1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Germans in Transit Resettlement Camps translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Housekeeping translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Newsletter Index submitted by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Resettlement - Propaganda and Reports translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Resettlement Minutes of 1940 (Part II) translated by Allen Konrad
* Bessarabian Resettlers translated by Elli Wise
* Births, Baptism, and Confirmation translated by Darla Anhorn Lee
* Boys and Girls German Grammar School in Tarutino translated by Allen Konrad
* Brief Cultural History Pictures translated by Allen Konrad
* Brief History of Andreas Demmler translated by Allen Konrad
* Camp Distribution for Ethnic German Resettlers from Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Christmas and New Year Customs and Practices from Sarata, Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Composite of Dialects Spoken by Bessarabian Germans translated by Allen Konrad
* Development of Bad Burnas translated by Allen Konrad
* Early Settlement of Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Ethnic Germans of Tarutino Not Joining the Resettlement of 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Flood Catastrophe in the Kogälnik Valley translated by Allen Konrad
* Friedrich the Great as Founder of German Colonies in the Newly Acquired Territories in 1772 translated by Allen Konrad
* German Bessarabian Villages and Year Established translated by Allen Konrad
* German Elementary School in Bessarabia under Church Supervision until 1891 translated by Allen Konrad
* German Hectare Communities in Bessarabia 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
German Literature in
02- Rudolf Zeiler,
03-Andreas Sandau,
04-Emanuel Schlechter,
05-Rudolf Weiß,
06-Karl Knauer,
07-Berta Haeusser,
09-Albert Heer,
10-Christian Idler,
11-Herbert Weiß,
13-Ferdinand Wagner,
14-Martin Weiß,
15-Friedrich Fiechtner,
16-Helmut Fiechtner,
17-Erwin Kubi by
Allen Konrad
* German Villages in Bessarabia in 1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Germans in Bessarabia in 1940 translated by Elli Wise
* Halle Municipality History translated by Allen Konrad
* Hectare Communities in Bessarabia 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Immigrants to Some Bessarabia Villages translated by Allen Konrad
* Industries of the Germans in Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Kulm Community 150th Anniversary Speech by Daniel Woelfle translated by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Kulm Community Homeland Book translated by Allen Konrad
* Land Acreage Statistics for Bessarabian Villages in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Land Ownership in Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Land Property Economic Situation of Germans in Bessarabia in 1939 translated by Allen Konrad
* Leaders of the Bessarabia Administrative Region translated by Allen Konrad
* Leaving Sangerowka in 1940 by Elli Wise
* Letter from Arzis - 1818 translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter from Hoffnungsfeld - 1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter from Johann Karl Krause of Tarutino, Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter from Katzbach, Bessarabia - 1816 translated by Allen Konrad
* List of Bessarabian Resettler Songs translated by Allen Konrad
* List of Gnadenfeld Songs translated by Allen Konrad
* List of German Communities in Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Mauch, Albert - Teacher Training College Director translated by Allen Konrad
* Market Days in Bessarabia and Dobrudscha translated by Allen Konrad
* Marriage Laws in Bessarabia from the Dale Wahl Collection
* Mixed Marriage Registration in Kischinev translated by Allen Konrad
* Mixed Marriages in Bessarabia Villages translated by Allen Konrad
* Mixed Marriages in Bessarabia in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Occupation Statistics in German Settlements in Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Occupation, Age and Gender Distribution in Bessarabia Towns translated by Allen Konrad
* Organizational Structure of Bessarabia Resettlement translated by Allen Konrad
* Our Neighbors, the Bulgarians translated by Allen Konrad
* Our Sarata Sisters translated by Allen Konrad
* Our Villages translated by Ellen Hardy-Birt/Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Paris, Bessarabia - Part I Part II a, Part II b, Part II c, Part II d, Part II e, Part III a, Part III b, Part IV, Part V translated by Allen Konrad
* Paris, Bessarbia - Part VI and Part VII translated by Allen Konrad
* Political Position of People within Bessarabia in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Reich Germans Living in Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Resettlement Report from Beresina, Bessarabia 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Sarjary translated by Allen Konrad
* Separatism - A Part of Bessarabia Church History translated by Allen Konrad
* Significant Events in Bessarabia 1923-1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Song Titles from Brienne translated by Allen Konrad
* Statistics on Bessarabian Villages During WWII translated by Allen Konrad
* Statistics on Bessarabian Villages' Inhabitants and Wealth 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Tarutino - Advance Education Class translated by Allen Konrad
* Tarutino - German Boys' Secondary School translated by Allen Konrad
* Tarutino Girls' School History translated by Allen Konrad
* The Schools translated by Ellen Hardy-Birt
* Things German in Bessarabia in 1939 translated by Allen Konrad* Trip to Bessarabia (Teplitz/Sarata) translated by Allen Konrad
* Trip to Northern Bessarabia (from the pages of the 1910 diary of Wilhelm Mutschall) translated by Allen Konrad
* Ups and Downs of Grain Production in the Early Years of Bessarabian Mother Colonies by Dwayne Janke
* Warsaw Colonists in Bessarabia translated by BSGR
* Weddng Celebration in Sarata, Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
Jubel Welche Freude
* We Love Our Homeland verse translated by Allen Konrad
* Welfare Committee - Administration of the German Immigrants in Bessarabia
* Werner School in Sarata translated by Allen Konrad
* Women's Association in Arzis translated by Allen Konrad
Family Lists/Inhabitants
* Alt Posttal Orphan Account Fund Register for 1887 translated by BSGR
* Balabanka, Bessarabia Residents in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Balamas Family List translated by Elli Wise
* Benkendorf Families 1870 translated by Elli Wise
* Benkendorf Colony Souls in 1870 translated by Allen Konrad
* Beresina Original Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* Bessarabian Professionals in 1939 by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* German Professionals in Bessarabia in 1939 translated by Allen Konrad
* Borodino Orignial Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* Dennewitz Family List 1834 translated by Elli Wise
* Eichendorf Family List translated by Elli Wise
* Eigenfeld Family List 1930 translated by Elli Wise
* Emmental Family List 1934? translated by Elli Wise
* Friedenfeld Family List 1879? translated by Elli Wise
* Kahul Inhabitants 1914 translated by Elli Wise
* Kantemir Residents in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Katzbach Orphan Account Fund Register 1877 translated by BSGR
* Ketrossy, Kischinev Parish Inhabitants 1911-1912 translated by Elli Wise
* Kloestitz Personnel Book 1847 translated by Allen Konrad
* Krasna Orphan Account Fund Register 1877 translated by BSGR
* Krasna, Bessarabia German Inhabitants 1939 translated by Elli Wise
* Kulm, Bessarabia Residents Resettled in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Larga Residents 1934 translated by Elli Wise
* Lichtental Resettlers in Early 1800s by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Manukbejewka Residents in 1922 translated by BSGR
* Mariewka Teachers 1893-1938 translated by BSGR
* Mintschunal Inhabitants 1885 translated by Elli Wise
* Neu-Brienne Residents in 1940 translated by Allen Konrad
* Neu Elft Inhabitants 1930 translated by Elli Wise
* Neu Posttal Inhabitants 1925 translated by Elli Wise
* Neu Posttal Inhabitants 1939 translated by Elli Wise
* Neu Strymba Inhabitants 1938 (DAI 598) translated by Elli Wise
* Neu Strymba Inhabitants 1938 (DAI 636) translated by Elli Wise
* Raskajetz Inhabitants 1939 translated by Elli Wise
* Schabo Colony and Posad Folks Eligible for Resettlement translated by Allen Konrad
* Schabo Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* Seimeny Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* Sofiental Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* Tarutino Orphan Account Fund 1887 by BSGR
* Tarutino, Bessarabia German Inhabitants 1939 (DAI 636) translated by Elli Wise
* Teplitz, Bessarabia Inhabitants 1940 (DAI 636) translated by Elli Wise
* Wittenberg Orphan Account Fund 1887 translated by BSGR
History of Bessarabian Villages
* Albota Village Report translated by Allen Konrad
* Alexanderfeld, History of translated by Allen Konrad
* Alt Posttal History by Dale Wahl Collection
* Annowka Community Chronicle translated by Allen Konrad
* Balaktschelly Municipality Reflections translated by Allen Konrad
* Beresina History translated by Allen Konrad
* Borodino, Brief History of translated by Allen Konrad
* Dennewitz History translated by Allen Konrad
* Eigenfeld Community Chronicle translated by Allen Konrad
* Eigengut (Schimke-Weiler) History translated by Allen Konrad
* Gnadental History translated by Allen Konrad
* Hoffnungsfeld History translated by Allen Konrad
* Katzbach, History of translated by Allen Konrad
* Korntal I Community History translated by Allen Konrad
* Korntal II, Bessarabia Inhabitants 1939? translated by Elli Wise
* Krasna Parish Report #599 translated by Allen Konrad
* Kurudschika History translated by Allen Konrad
* Leipzig History translated by Allen Konrad
* Lichtental Chronicle by Kuester Georg Schreiber translated by Elli Wise
Lichtental (History of)
translated by Allen
Malojaroslawetz I
(Wittenberg) History
translated by Allen
translated by Allen
* Marienfeld Community Chronicle translated by Allen Konrad
* Mathildendorf, Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Neu-Dennewitz History translated by Allen Konrad
* Neu-Posttal, Bessarabia Village Chronicle translated by Allen Konrad
* Romanowka Municipality History translated by Allen Konrad* Sarata translated by Allen Konrad
* Seimeny History translated by Allen Konrad
* Strassburg I Brief History translated by Allen Konrad
* Strassburg II Brief History translated by Allen Konrad