Bessarabia Church Records




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* Added/updated 7 March 2025


Albota Parish (est. 1914)

* Baimaklia births/deaths 1914-1938 translated by Elli Wise

* Eichendorf village birth & deaths 1908-1933 translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiewka births 1892-1937 translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiewka deaths 1892-1940 translated by Elli Wise


Alt Elft  Parish

* Alt Elft births 1817-1832 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft (Fere-Champenoise I) births 183x translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft births 1840 (found in Arzis parish)

* Alt Elft births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 translated by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Alt Elft village births 1843, 1845, 1847-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft village births 1860-1864, 1867-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft village births 1870-71, 1874-79 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft births 1886-1906 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft village confirmations 1841-1851 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Alt Elft deaths 1820-1841 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft deaths 1840-42 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft deaths 1842-1939 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1820-1881 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 185x  186x  187x  1881-85  translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1892-1899 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1900-1910 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1911-1919 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1920-1929 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Elft parish marriages 1930-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1836-1839 (Arzis parish) translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1835-1841  translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1840 translated by Elli Wise (found in Arzis parish records)

* Dennewitz village births 1843, 1845, 1847-48  185x  translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1860-64, 1867-69 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1870-71, 1874-79 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1842-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Dennewitz village births 1902-1912 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village deaths 1850-1859 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village deaths 1860-64, 1867-69 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz confirmations 1841-1844 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Dennewitz village deaths 1838-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Dennewitz village deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Katzbach village births 1821-1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Katzbach village births 1821-1842 translated by Elli Wise

* Katzbach village births  183x   1840  1843, 1845, 1847-48  185x  1860-1864, 1867-69  1870-71, 1874-79  translated by Elli Wise

* Katzbach village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Katzbach village confirmations 1841-1849 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Katzbach village deaths 1821-1899 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Katzbach village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Katzbach village deaths 1850-1858 translated by Elli Wise

* Katzbach marriages 1822-1833 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1825-1842 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 183x translated by Elli Wise (found in the Arzis parish records)

* Neu Elft village births 1840 translated by Elli Wise (found in the Arzis parish records)

* Neu Elft village confirmations 1841-1845 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Neu Elft village deaths 183x translated by Elli Wise (found in the Arzis parish records)

* Neu Elft village births 1843, 1845, 1847-48 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Neu Elft village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1850-1859 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village deaths 1850-1859 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1860-1864, 1867-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1870-1871, 1874-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise (St. Petersburg Lutheran records)

* Neu Elft village births 1881-1899 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Elft village confirmations 1841-1845 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Neu Paris village births 1874 translated by Elli Wise (found in the Sarata parish on FS)

* Neu Paris village deaths 1874 translated by Elli Wise (found in the Sarata parish on FS)

* Paris village births 1820-1832, 1844, 1849, 1865-1866 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Paris village births 183x translated by Elli Wise (found in Arzis parish on FS)

* Paris village births 1833-1842 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village births 1843, 1845, 1847-48 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village births 1860-64, 1867-69 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village births 1870-71, 1874-79 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village confirmations 1841-1852 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Paris village deaths 183x translated by Elli Wise (found in Arzis parish on FS)

* Paris village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village deaths 1860-1864, 1867-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village deaths 1870-1871, 1874-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Paris village deaths 1849, 1865-66 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Plotzk village births 1835-1841 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 1840-1841 translated by Elli Wise (found in Arzis parish on FS)

* Plotzk village births 1843, 1845, 1847-48 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 1860-1864 & 1867-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 1870-1871, 1874-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village confirmations 1842-1844 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Plotzk village deaths 1839-1895 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village deaths 1840/42/48 translated by Elli Wise

* Plotzk village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise


Andrejewka Parish

* Akkermann births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Akkermann deaths 1879-1882 translated by Elli Wise

* Danielsfeld village births 1874-1885 translated by Elli Wise (found in Benkendorf parish on FS)

* Danielsfeld village births 1874 translated by Elli Wise (found in Sarata parish on FS)

* Danielsfeld village deaths 1874 translated by Elli Wise (found in Sarata parish on FS)

* Danielsfeld village deaths 1875-1884 translated by Elli Wise

* Eigenheim village births 186x-187x translated by Elli Wise

* Eigenheim village births 1877  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Eigenheim village deaths 1875-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Eigenheim village deaths 1877 translated by Elli Wise

* Karlsfeld village births 1876 translated by Elli Wise

* Seimental village births 1867-1874 translated by Elli Wise  (found in the Sarata parish on FS)

* Seimental village births 1875-1879  1885 translated by Elli Wise (found in Benkendorf parish on FS)

* Seimental village deaths 1868-1874 translated by Elli Wise (found in Sarata parish on FS)

* Seimental village deaths 1881-1882 translated by Elli Wise (found in Benkendorf parish on FS)


Arzis Parish
*  Alt Arzis village births 183x (includes Plotzk) 184x  185x  186x  187x translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Arzis village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Arzis village births 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880-91, 1931-40 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Alt Arzis village births 1892-1930 translated by Elli Wise

* Arzis parish confirmations 1841-1856 by R. Reuben Drefs Collections (includes Arzis, Lichtental and Teplitz)

* Alt Arzis village deaths 1819-1841 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Arzis village deaths 184x  1855-1879  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Arzis village deaths 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Arzis parish births 1833-1835 translated by Elli Wise

* Arzis parish marriage 1834-1836  1840-42, 1845  1846-1850  1855  1856-1859  186x  187x  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Arzis parish marriages 1835-1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Arzis parish marriages register 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village births 1819-1832, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Brienne village births 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise (old FS film numbers)

* Brienne village births 1836-1839 translated by Elli Wise (new FS film numbers)

* Brienne village births 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Brienne village deaths 1814-1824, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Brienne village deaths 183x  184x  1850-1879  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village births 1836-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village births 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village births 1844-1872 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Friedenstal village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village deaths 183x  184x  1850-1879  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedenstal village deaths 1842,1849, 1865-66, 1872 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Friedenstal village deaths 1890-1910 translated by Elli Wise

* Hoffnungsfeld village births 1867-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Hoffnungsfeld village births 1870-1878 translated by Elli Wise

* Hoffnungsfeld village deaths 1867-1878 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village births 1830-1900 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Neu Arzis village births 183x  184x  185x translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village births 1870-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village deaths 183x translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Arzis village deaths 1837-1854 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Neu Arzis village deaths 1855-1879  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabolat/Chabolat births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 1817-1832,1844,1849,1865-1866,1872-1873 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Teplitz village births 1833-1840 translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 1836-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz/Neu Teplitz village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village deaths 1817-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village deaths 184x  1850-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Teplitz village deaths 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Teplitz village deaths 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise


Benkendorf Parish (est. 1867) became Posttal Parish in 1939

* Benkendorf parish marriages 186x  187x  188x translated by Elli Wise

* Benkendorf village births 1865-1892 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Benkendorf village deaths 1866-1894, 1920-1923, 1938-1939 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Benkendorf village deaths 1866-1867 translated by Elli Wise (recorded in Arzis parish)

* Karlsfeld village deaths 1876 translated by Elli Wise

* Mannsburg village births 1868-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Mannsburg village deaths 1868-1884 translated by Elli Wise

* Neufall village births 1870-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Neufall village deaths 1869-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Neufall village births 1892-1904 translated by Elli Wise

* Neufall village deaths 1892-1902 translated by Elli Wise

* Rosenfeld village births 1875-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Rosenfeld village deaths 1874-1881 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabolat village births 186x  187x  188x translated by Elli Wise

* Schabolat village deaths 1864-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiental village births 1868-1869  187x   188x translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiental village deaths 186x-188x translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiental village births 1862-1867 translated by Elli Wise

* Sofiental village deaths 1862-1867 translated by Elli Wise


Eigenfeld Parish

* Jakobstal village births 187x   1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Jakobstal village deaths 187x  1881-84 translated by Elli Wise


Kischinew (Kischinev) Parish

* Kischinew births A-D, 1835-1891 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew births - 1885-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew 1823-1867 confirmations by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Kischinew City deaths 1891-1919 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew City deaths 1920-1942 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish baptisms 1814-1815 translated by Irina Ebenal

* Kischinew parish births 1835-1848  1850-59  1860-69  1870-79  1880-85  translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish death register-1835-1939 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1835-1848  1850-59  1860-69  1870-1879  1880-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1884-1888 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1884-1901 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1892-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1920-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish deaths 1921-1927 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish marriages 1835-1848  185x  186x  187x  1881-1885  translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish marriages 1849, 1872, 1873 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Kischinew parish marriages 1899-1902 translated by Chris Kullman

* Kischinew parish marriages 1906-1907 translated by Chris Kullman

* Kischinew parish marriages 1918-1919 translated by Elli Wise

* Kischinew parish marriages 1931 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Oneschti village deaths 1902-1939 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Scholtoi village births 1912-1915 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Scholtoi village deaths 1912-1915 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Stremby/Stremba village births 1886--1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Stremby/Stremba village deaths 1886-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Neu Stremby/Stremba village banns/marriage 1904-1905 translated by Elli Wise

* Principesa Elena village births 1923-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Principesa Elena village deaths 1924-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Strembeni village deaths 1898-1939 translated by Elli Wise


Klöstitz Parish

* Beresina village births 1817-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Beresina village births 1834-1839  184x  185x  186x  187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Beresina village births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Beresina village deaths  (miscellaneous years from 1866-1919) by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Beresina village deaths 187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Beresina deaths 1814-1824, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Beresina village marriages 1817-1833 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village births 1833-1839  1840-841  1844-49  185x  186x  187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village births 1842-1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Borodino village deaths 1817-1835 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village deaths 1847-1848, 1850-55 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village deaths 187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Borodino village marriages 1818-1832 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Eigenfeld village births 1880-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Eigenfeld village deaths 1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedrichsfeld village births 1883-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedrichsfeld village deaths 1883-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadenfeld village births 1880-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadenfeld village deaths 1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Hoffnungstal village births 184x  185x  186x  187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Hoffnungstal village births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Hoffnungstal village deaths 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Hoffnungstal village deaths 187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz village births 184x  185x  186x  187x   188x translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz births 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Klöstitz village deaths 1840-1841 187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1815-1833 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1834-1843 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1841-1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Klöstitz parish marriages 184x  185x  186x  1874-1879  translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1881-89 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1890-1899 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish bans/marriages 1898 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1898-1899 translated by Elli Wise

* Klöstitz parish marriages 1900-1909 translated by Elli Wise


Krasna Parish (Catholic)

* Krasna RC baptisms 1870-1879 submitted by Merv Weiss

* Krasna RC baptisms 1880-1886 submitted by Merv Weiss

* Krasna 1852 confession list by Merv Weiss

* Krasna RC death records 1866-1880 by Merv Weiss


Matildendorf  Parish

* Josephsdorf village births 186x  187x  1880-1882 translated by Elli Wise

* Josephsdorf village births 1883-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Josephsdorf village deaths 186x  187x  1880-1882 translated by Elli Wise

* Josephsdorf deaths 1883-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Kantemir-Korntal village births/deaths 1890-1936 translated by Elli Wise

* Mathildendorf village births 186x  187x  1880-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Mathildendorf village deaths 187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise


Neu Sarata Parish (est 1889/90)

* Neu Sarata marriage register 1906-1925 translated by Elli Wise

* Fuerstenfeld village births-deaths 1896-1925 translated by Elli Wise


Sarata Parish

* Eigenheim village deaths 1862-1874 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedensfeld village births 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Friedensfeld village deaths 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadental village births 184x  185x   186x  187x   1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadental village births 1865-66, 1872-73 by R. Reuben Drefs Colletion

* Gnadental village confirmations 1834-1856 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Gnadental village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadental village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadental village deaths 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Gnadental village deaths 1865-66, 1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Gnadentall village deaths 1870-1885 deaths translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village births 184x  185x  186x  187x  1881-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village births 1844,1849,1865,1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Lichtental village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village deaths 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village deaths 1870-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Lichtental village births 1922-1936 translated by Elli Wise

* Mannsburg village births 1864, 1866, 1867 translated by Elli Wise

* Mannsburg village deaths 1864 & 1867 translated by Elli Wise

* Olgental village births 1866-1874 translated by Elli Wise

* Olgental village deaths 1867-1874 transferred by Elli Wise

* Rosenfeld village births 1882-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Rosenfeld village deaths 1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata parish births 1823-1835 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata parish deaths 183x translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata parish deaths 1823-1856 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata parish confirmations for Lichtental, Arzis, Teplitz 1841-1856 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Sarata parish marriages 1822-1877 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata parish marriages 1842-1891 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Sarata parish marriages 183x 184x  185x 186x  187x  1881-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village births 184x 185x  186x  187x   1880-85 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village births 1844,1849,1865-66,1872-73, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Sarata village confirmations 1834-1856 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Sarata village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village deaths 1860-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village deaths 1870-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Sarata village deaths 1842-1889 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Tschemtschelly village births 1863-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Tschemtschelly village deaths 1863-1885 translated by Elli Wise


Schabo (aka Chabag) Reformed Parish

* Schabo parish births 1828-1883 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish births 1894-1900 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish births 1903-1904 & 1915 translated by Elli Wise (Kherson Archives)

* Schabo parish deaths 1843-1886 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish deaths 1895-1900 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish deaths 1903 translated by Elli Wise (Kherson Archives)

Schabo parish marriages 1839-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish marriages 1884-1886 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish marriages 1895-1900 translated by Elli Wise

* Schabo parish marriages 1903 translated by Elli Wise (Kherson Archives)


Tarutino Parish

* Albota births & deaths 1914-1938 translated by Elli Wise

* Albota deaths 1892-1908 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village births 183x 184x 185x  186x  187x  1880-1885  translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village births 1864-1867 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village births 1842-1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Alt Posttal village births 1880-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village births 1890-1901 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1860-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1864 & 1867 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1870-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal village deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-1866, 1872-1873, 1880 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal marriages 1824-1832 translated by Elli Wise

* Alt Posttal marriages 1841, 1842, 1844 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Beresina village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Beresina village deaths 1840-1841 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Borodino village deaths 1840-1841 translated by Elli Wise

* Jekaterinowka village births/deaths 1908-1940 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village births 1824-1843 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm villlage births 1880-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village births 1824-1832, 1844, 1849, 1865 by R. Reuben Drefs

* Kulm village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village deaths 1824-1829, 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Kulm village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village deaths 1850-1859 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village deaths 1860-1869 translated by Elli Wise

* Kulm village marriages 1824-1832 translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village births 1817-1832, 1842, 1844, 1849 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Leipzig village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village births 1880-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865-1866, 1873, 1880 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Leipzig village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Leipzig village marriages 1824-1832 translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village births 1814-1832, 1842, 1844, 1849,1866 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Tarutino village births 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village births 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village births 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village births 1880-1885 translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino parish births 1877-1878 (no village recorded) translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village deaths 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village deaths 1842, 1844, 1849, 1865, 1866 &1872 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Tarutino village deaths 184x translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Tarutino parish marriages 1824-1832 translated by Elli Wise
* Tarutino parish engagement/marriage register 1833-1839 translated by Elli Wise
* Tarutino marriages 1841-1900 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Tarutino parish marriages 1901 - 1922 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Wittenberg village births 1816-1832, 1842, 1849, 1865 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Wittenberg village births Dec. 1869-1871, 1873-1879 translated by Elli Wise

* Wittenberg village deaths 1840-1848 translated by Elli Wise

* Wittenberg village deaths 1849 by R. Reuben Drefs Collection

* Wittenberg village deaths 185x translated by Elli Wise

* Wittenberg village deaths 186x translated by Elli Wise

* Wittenberg village deaths 187x translated by Elli Wise

* Wittenberg village marriages 1824-1832 translated by Elli Wise