Connect and Participate
People with Black Sea German roots now live all over the world - North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia. For all we know, there may even be some in Antarctica!
Learn more about your own Black Sea German roots and "pay it forward" by
helping others discover more about their families and
history. Other researchers can help fill in gaps in your
family research. Discovering distant cousins is a fun
way to meet other branches of your family
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Facebook to connect with other Black Sea Germans,
share photos, hear about new research data when it
becomes available, and learn more about finding those
elusive ancestors.
tree...and sometimes discover how much you have in

Add your family tree to our growing database of Black Sea Germans. Check out our guidelines and instructions on creating and submitting a GEDCOM to the Black Sea German database.

Volunteer to:
* translate documents
* submit your GEDCOM
* submit articles
* share stories
* index data
* share your ideas