Research Links
In addition to the Black
Sea German database, the following
links will help you
research your German
ancestors in Germany
before they immigrated to
South Russia.
Research Repository
Genealogy portal
site (in
German, some
Finding your German
village on a map
FHL Germany
Research Guide
Cyndi's List German
Expanding Your German
Recommended Books
The Family History Library has a large selection of books related to German Genealogy research. Some are available on microfilm, but many of the reference books are available only at the library.
Researching Germany before South Russia

Making the Leap from South Russia Back in Time to Germany
To research your ancestors in Germany, you first need to discover where they came from. Church death records or family registers often list a place of birth. Karl Stumpp's and Joseph Height's books include German village-of-origin information for many of the original settlers. Heimatbücher about villages in South Russia often include the German origin of families in that village.
If none of those sources give you a specific location, it's time for some guesswork. Many German states have indexes of inhabitants who emigrated.
Many families traveled together from their old homes in Germany to their new homes in Russia. Try searching German villages where other families (especially those with marriage ties to your family) in your South Russian village came from. You can also try searching in the birth location of the siblings of your direct ancestor.
Church Records
Many church records from Germany are available on microfilm from the Family History Library. Search the FHL catalog for your village. Church records (including those not filmed by the FHL) are usually available in state or central church archives. They are only rarely available in the original village.
German State Archives
German state archives have many records such as civil registration, Turkish tax records, emigration lists, debtor lists, citizenship lists, and military records.
Some tips:
- * The Ludwigsburg archive has many records on immigrants to Russia
- * When researching in the Pfalz and Rheinland (aka Alsace or Elsaß), also try the French state archives
- * Find an archive in Germany
are books that usually contain history, photos, and
genealogy information about individual villages in
Germany. When available, they are a fabulous resource.
Many are available at the Family History Library.
Some of these book are available
shows all registered books; and books for the
Pfalz, Saarland, and Alsace areas are shown
here. If none of these sources work, try contacting
the village's town hall, museum, or a local historian.
Genealogy Collections
Ahnenstammkartei is a collection of genealogy
records that spans several centuries and contains about
3 million individuals in over 11,000 pedigree files. See
surname index and
master card index for the collection.
Making Contacts in Germany
Although many Germans speak English, you may
get a faster response by emailing in German. If you
don't speak German yourself, these
sample letters
Google translator can help you.
When making contacts in your ancestral village, ask to
be referred to a local historian since you can't assume
that the pastor or town hall staff have the same
interest in genealogy that you do.
If you plan to visit your ancestral village, the book
You! Yes Now! Visiting Your Ancestral Town may
help you.