Steinheim, Ludwigsburg, Württemberg           

[also related trails of research in the area]
Marbach, Ludwigsburg, Württemberg                                                                              

Name, First                          birth    date   film      pg    remarks

Laudenschlaeger, Christina Barbara   10 Mar   1791   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Agnes Barbara           24 Sep   1814   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Carolina                10 Mar   1832   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Catharina Dorothea      09 Oct   1821   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Christiane Barbara      06 Aug   1817   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Christiane Dorothea     17 Sep   1818   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Christina Barbara       18 May   1820   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Jacob                   13 Nov   1830   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Jacob Friedrich         18 Jun   1813   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Johann David            22 Apr   1828   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Johann Matthaeus        17 Aug   1786   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Johann Matthias         24 Jan   1811   1476492   906   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Margarethe Magdalena    20 Oct   1823   1476492   907   went to Russia

Muzenberger, Regina Dorthea          02 Jun   1825   1476492   907   went to Russia

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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