Gültlingen, Calw, Württemberg    

[also related trails of research in the area]
Nagold, Calw, Württemberg
Gültlingen, Wildberg, Calw, Württemberg 

Name, First                    birth    date   film      pg    remarks

Braun, Johann Georg            18 Aug   1763   1476492   664   churchregister

Braun, Regina Katharina        26 Aug   1742   1476492   664   churchregister

Erbele, Christina Barbara      31 Mar   1817   1476492   663   went to Russia

Erbele, Christine Magdalene    06 Apr   1796   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Jakob Friedrich        29 Aug   1801   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Jakob Martin           05 Sep   1804   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Georg           18 Aug   1763   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Georg           18 Aug   1763   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Georg           19 Mar   1791   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Georg           02 Jan   1799   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Georg           29 Sep   1815   1476492   663   went to Russia

Erbele, Johann Michael         10 Mai   1742   1476492   664   churchregister

Erbele, Johann Michael         30 Sep   1807   1476492   662   went to Russia

Erbele, Johannes               19 Aug   1814   1476492   663   went to Russia

Erbele, Maria Margarete        19 Jul   1793   1476492   662   went to Russia

Fischer, Christina Magdalena   16 Jul   1765   1476492   662   1st wife

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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