Erbstetten, Backnang & Erbstetten, Marbach, Württemberg  

Name, First                   birth    date  film     pg    remarks

Bareither, Gottfried          19 Mar   1817  1476496  7679  compilation

Bareither, Karoline           02 Feb   1819  1476496  7679  compilation

Bareuther, Anna Maria         31 Jan   1816  1476492  609   went to Russia

Bareuther, Carl August        07 Dec   1824  1476492  610   went to Russia

Bareuther, Caroline           01 Feb   1819  1476492  609   went to Russia

Bareuther, Gottfried          29 May   1817  1476492  609   went to Russia

Bareuther, Gottlieb           04 Dec   1791  1476492  609   went to Russia

Bareuther, Gottliebin         13 Nov   1829  1476492  610   went to Russia

Bareuther, Johann Christian   20 Feb   1828  1476492  610   went to Russia

Knoedler, Matthaeus           10 Oct   1783  1476492  611   baptism record

Krautter, Rosina Catharina    28 Feb   1792  1476492  609   went to Russia

Roessler, Christian           02 Apr   1806  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Christian           18 Jul   1810  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Christian           14 Mar   1816  1476492  702   went to Russia

Roessler, Gottfried           04 Jan   1818  1476492  702   went to Russia

Roessler, Johann Georg        23 Apr   1804  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Johann Gottlieb     07 Mar   1807  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Johann Gottlieb     01 Jul   1809  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Johann Jakob        23 Mar   1805  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Johannes            07 Sep   1811  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Rosina Catharina    24 Mar   1813  1476492  701   went to Russia

Roessler, Veronica            05 Jul   1803  1476492  701   went to Russia

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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