Enzweihingen, Vaihingen, Württemberg                                                                                                                                               

Name, First                  birth    date  film     pg     remarks

Goelz, Christina Magdalena   14 Jan   1759  1476492  607    2nd wife

Gross, Christiane Dorothea   20 Aug   1773  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Christina Dorothea    31 Oct   1777  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Christoph Friedrich   30 Oct   1768  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Frederika Juliane     28 Apr   1770  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Georg Friedrich       18 Aug   1789  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Georg Friedrich       08 Sep   1790  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Gottlieb              28 May   1795  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Jacob Friedrich       06 Aug   1785  1476492  607    missing in Russia

Gross, Johann Caspar         16 Apr   1775  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Johann Christoph      10 Nov   1737  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Johann Christoph      10 Nov   1737  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Johann Christoph      06 Dec   1786  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Johanna Eva           29 Nov   1778  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Juliane               05 Sep   1767  1476492  607    went to Russia

Gross, Wilhelm Caspar        27 May   1776  1476492  607    went to Russia

Wild, Bernhard Jost          20 Aug   1820  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Carl Friedrich         14 Aug   1818  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Caroline Magdalena     19 May   1805  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Christian Friedrich    17 Sep   1809  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Christoph Friedrich    24 Aug   1774  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Christoph Friedrich    28 Oct   1803  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Johann Christian       17 Dec   1811  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Johann Jost            10 Feb   1808  1476492  606    went to Russia

Wild, Maria Magdalena        10 Sep   1815  1476492  606    went to Russia

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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