A Newly-Published Set of Books from Germany
The entire set has four volumes with 2,876 pages. Each book has a soft cover and its size is more than 8 ½ inches by 11 inches (the German size is actually DIN A4). The book costs 96.40 Euros including postage if it is sent to an address in Germany. Please contact Mr. Wahlers (
www.wahlers.info Email:
heinrich@wahlers.info ) or the Bessarabian German Society in Stuttgart (
www.bessarabien.de) if you wish to order the four volumes anywhere else in the world. Each set is 89.40 Euros plus postage.
“Tarutino was the largest German community in Bessarabia. During the history of its development extensive family ties and connections were formed and maintained with the neighboring communities as well as with the entire region of Bessarabia. Research which has to do with Bessarabian German ancestors, descendants and relatives invariably has ties with this locality.
For this reason, the work which is now available should provide for better possibilities of recognizing familial connections, of analyzing the structure of the population and of developing good starts for genealogical research.
All individuals and families of German heritage are comprehended in this work; all those who resided and lived in Tarutino until 1940 even if only for a short period of time.
All family relationships to other families in Bessarabia are listed to the next generation (parents, siblings, other marriages, children etc.).
Beyond this all descendants and their families who bear the names of the first 191 families who first settled Tarutino are included.
Thus a very detailed book of family relationships and connections for all of Bessarabia with Tarutino as its starting-point and juncture has appeared on the scene.
The set includes 14,380 families with 69,168 individuals. Regarding Tarutino itself, 191 first settler families are included along with 490 emigrants and 386 who were killed or missing in action.
Sociological data, statistics and tables round off the material in the books.