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Paris families - Stoik Stoike Steuk Steuck Steug
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Author:  raybroneske [ Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Paris families - Stoik Stoike Steuk Steuck Steug

hi there - I am interested in Parisian families as my ancestors lived and died there. I was very disappointed by the latest Birth xls which does not show any folks with similar names as above. The Odessa3 files show that there were children born in Paris to possibly 2 different Johann Stoik's. One was married to Justina Kelm oo 3 May 1839 in Arcis - the other? married to Anna Schulz oo 7 Jan 1837 in Paris. One had at least 10 children, some of them * in Paris - the other 5 children, all born in Paris between 1838 and 1846. It seems that this Johann died 12 March 1846.

Is anyone else researching these families? Is there a reason why they may have been missed out on the XLS spreadsheet? There is also a Tarutino family named Steuck not to be confused, which may the same origins.
cheers, Ray Broneske.

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