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 Post subject: Schlecht Family from Hoffnungstal and Neu Glueckstal, Odessa
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:38 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:18 pm
Posts: 4
I am interested in locating the family of my great-aunt Christine Schlecht *23 Sep, 1875 at Hoffnungstal, Odessa, S.Russia, the daughter of Gottfried and Christine (n.Martin) Schlecht as well as her husband / partner Mattias Bretter *1860 Peterstal +at Neu Gleuckstal. On the EWZ papers he is noted as Mattias Schlecht, then Schlecht is crossed out and Bretter added. Further along, their son Reinhold is noted as being unhel. and as their children had the Schlecht surname I don't think Christine was married to Mattias .
Christine and Mattias are mentioned in the EWZ papers of their daughter, Elisabeth and son-in-law Georg. The papers show they left Neu-Gleuckstal 16 March 1944 and arrived at Kalisch 14 Jun 1944, but the papers themselves were dated 4 January 1945.

Daughter, Elisabeth n.Schlecht and husband Georg Kulm along with their children Lydia, Alwine, Erna, Otto and Rudolf were resettled at Biersdorf, house #54 Amtbsbez Kalisch-land, Watheland.

Son, Georg and wife Lydia n.Kaul with their children Edgar and Linda were resettled at Biersdorf, house #62 Amtbsbez Kalisch-land, Watheland.

Son, Reinhold and wife Emma n.Schlichenmayer with their children Antonie, Alma and August were resettled at Reisen, House #18 Amtsbez Kalisch-land, Watheland.

I am also searching for the family of my great-uncle, Christine's brother, Gottfried Schlecht of Neu Gleuckstal. Apparently he was shipped to Siberia and never heard from again. (this was told to my father by his mother).

Thank-you, Carol Davick :)

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